Rachid Moussadek

Dr. Rachid Moussadek is a Senior Scientist and Specialist in Soil and Sustainable Intensification. He is also a Joint Researcher at ICARDA/INRA and the Chair of the FAO-Global Soil Partnership/GSP-NENA, collaborating with a soil R&D consortium comprising more than 20 institutions and universities from the NENA region. He earned his Ph.D. in Sustainable Land Management from Ghent University (Belgium).
Over his 24-year career, his research has primarily focused on topics related to Soil-Climate-Cropping systems, including Conservation Agriculture, soil health and rehabilitation, soil fertility mapping and sustainable management, and soil carbon sequestration in conservation farming systems, in relation to climate change modeling.
Dr. Moussadek served as a member of the scientific committee for the Adaptation of African Agriculture initiative and has published over thirty papers in peer-reviewed journals. He has also presented his research results at various congresses and scientific meetings. Additionally, he coordinates several international and national projects (CGIAR, EU projects, IDRC, OADA, etc.) and serves as an expert for various funding institutions and the private sector in the field of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) (WB, GIZ, IFAD, etc.).
Furthermore, he leads a program, as part of the CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy initiative, aimed at supporting Morocco in promoting conservation agriculture on 1 million hectares by 2030. Dr. Moussadek has advised MSc and PhD students from Moroccan and European universities and is currently advising 7 MSc and 4 PhD students on topics related to Conservation Agriculture, Soil Health, and Sustainable Intensification for climate adaptation in dry lands. He also serves as a reviewer for various journals covering soil management and environmental topics.