Drylands, encompassing 41% of global land and supporting over 2 billion people, face significant challenges, including water scarcity, extreme temperatures, and soil degradation. Dryland spans vast areas of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Sub...
Vinay Nangia

Dr. Vinay Nangia is a Research Team Leader - Soil, Water, and Agronomy at ICARDA, an adjunct faculty at the Texas A&M University (USA), and a visiting professor at Tottori University (Japan). Dr. Nangia is an Advisory Board Member of Global Institute for Water, Environment, and Health (GIWEH - a Geneva-based water think tank), a Steering Committee member of the UN FAO WASAG, Expert Member on UNCCD IWG on Drought, and ICARDA focal point for UNFCCC. He received his Ph.D. in Water Resources Management and two M.S. degrees - first in Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering and second in Geographic Information Science - all from the University of Minnesota, USA. Dr. Nangia is an agricultural hydrologist with extensive experience in agricultural water resource management and environmental impact assessments. At ICARDA, he leads research on water-use efficiency assessments, crop production function analysis, irrigation and drainage performance diagnosis, and the evaluation of water conservation options. Throughout his career, he has applied skills in hydrological and crop modeling, and GIS and remote sensing to research issues relating to climate change, climatic variability, conservation agriculture, water quality, water productivity, land degradation and sustainable crop production. During a 18-year research career, he has served as a PI or co-PI on research projects worth about $30 million, authored or co-authored 200 technical publications that include 90 refereed journal articles in international journals. Dr. Nangia is an internationally recognized expert in hydrological and water quality modeling and GIS applications in water resources management. He has offered more than 20 trainings (covering a total of 400 participants) on hydrologic modeling in 10 countries. Dr. Nangia serves on the editorial board of professional society journals. He has served as research advisor/committee member to M.S. and Ph.D. students and was a visiting professor (2007-2011) at the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation of the Chinese Academy of Science where he co-advised graduate students. Previously, Dr Nangia was a NSERC Visiting Fellow at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada conducting research on GHG emissions from sub-surface tile-drained croplands of Eastern Ontario prior to which he was a post-doctoral fellow at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), where he started his career in 2005.