Broad bean wilt virus: Host range, purification, serology, transmission characteristics, and occurrence in faba bean in West Asia and North Africa

A virus affecting faba bean in West Asia and Norht Africa was identified as broad bean wilt virus (BBWV) by host reactions, particle morphology and size, serology and transmission characteristics. An isolate from Syria (SV3-88) and one from Egypt (EV319-86) were found to be serologically identical and of serotype I. In host-range studies, the Syrian isolate infected systemically 59 out of 87 plant species tested. The virus was transmitted non-persistently by four aphid species naturally prevalent in Syria, but most efficiently byMyzus persicae. Inoculation of faba bean with SV3-88 14 weeks (pre-flowering) and 6 weeks after sowing (flowering) led to 25.8 and 1.8% yield loss and seed-transmission rates of 0.6 and 0.4%, respectively. The isolate SV3-88 was purified from systemically infected faba bean and yield 1.5–2 mg of partially purified virus per 100 g of leaves. When samples, with symptoms suggestive of virus infection, were collected during 1985–1989 from a number of countries in West Asia and North Africa and tested by ELISA, the virus was detected in 8 out of 127 samples tested (8/127) from Egypt, 0/44 from Lebanon, 1/23 from Morocco, 38/485 from the Sudan, 38/385 from Syria and 23/138 from Tunisia.