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Displaying 15 - 21 items out of 22 results
July 10, 2005

In 2004, ICARDA began strategic visioning, driven by the global focus on achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the realignment of the CGIAR System priorities by the Science Council. It involved, among other actions, a consolidation of the 19...

August 09, 2004

Strong partnerships with national agricultural research systems and other stakeholders constitute the backbone of ICARDA’s research agenda. The outreach programs of the Center play a key role in promoting partnerships in their respective sub-regions...

June 01, 2003

The year 2002 marked ICARDA's 25th anniversary, and coincided with several honors and awards for the center's excellence in research. Research on developing high-yielding kabuli chickpea varieties that thrive in cool, wet winter conditions earned the...

June 03, 2002

The world is witnessing a period in its history when the increasing socio-political upheavals are taking the lives of thousands, and destroying the natural wealth of our planet. Poverty and food insecurity are two key forces driving this destruction...

June 03, 2002

The world is witnessing a period in its history when the increasing socio-political upheavals are taking the lives of thousands, and destroying the natural wealth of our planet. Poverty and food insecurity are two key forces driving this destruction...

November 01, 2001

يعد هذا التقرير السنوي الذي تنشره إيكاردا لعام 2000 الأول من نوعه الذي يعكس البنية الجديدة لكتابة التقارير والتي تعتمد على المواضيع الخمسة للمجموعة الاستشارية للبحوث الزراعية الدولية CGIAR ألا وهي: تعزيز الأصول الوراثية، إدارة نظم الإنتاج، إدارة...

January 01, 1994

An institution such as ICARDA that aims at maintaining the high standards and dynamism of its work must have a suitable mechanism for monitoring the progress of its performance and evalu¬ating the relevance of its mandate and mission in everchanging...