Breeding Progress for Grain Yield and Yield Related Characters of Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Ethiopia Using Regression Analysis

The genetic progress in seed yield and yield related characters of 10 kabuli chickpea varieties released by the
Ethiopian Chickpea Crop Improvement Program from 1974 to 2017 was assessed during the main cropping
season. The varieties were evaluated in the Randomized Complete Block design at Debrezeit Agricultural
Research Center experimental research farm. The overall increase in seed yield over the local check, DZ-10-4,
was estimated to be 739 kg/ha (38.9%). On station grain yield increased from 1900 to 3250 kg/ha during the last
43 years and the overall increase in seed yield of the Arerti variety over the oldest variety DZ-10-4 was estimated
to be 1350 kg/ha or 71.1%. Based on the regression analysis, the estimated average annual rate of increase in
grain yield potential was 10.87kg/ha/year with an annual relative genetic change of 0.57%/year. Genotypic
change was an important source for increased grain yield potential during the studied period. Positive genetic
gains were observed for the yield traits (grain yield and yield components). The average cumulative gains over
43 years of breeding was, therefore, 445.67 kg (23.37%) for seed yield, and 30.26 g for hundred seeds weight
(297.7%). Hundred seed weight revealed the most dramatic response to breeding for the last 43 years. It is,
therefore, strategically advisable that breeding efforts in the future should give due attention to yield related traits
of kabuli chickpea varieties